Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Learning to Respond to Life's Event: Guidance for the Empty Nest Christian Woman

I started this blog to continue the conversations I've had for so many years in my Midlife Christian Woman,  Ministry to Women  and Design Your Midlife Transition  Roadmap blogs.

I am now beyond midlife and life is different yet again. I decided there needs to be an older Christian woman blog, so this is it. 


This past month my grown son returned to school for a grad course. We are in the empty nest again. 

I'm also shifting from a long season of caring for my aging dog.  I loved her dearly and pray she is now running free and full of joy in Heaven. 

From both of these events, I'm feeling grief mingled with freedom.

These events are part of life. While we don't know in advance what will happen in life, we can put up roadmap guideposts that help us deal with life events. 

In the same way, the Holy Spirit guides us with His signs--STOP, GO, YIELD, GO SLOW, and so on. 


When my son needed to secure an apartment for his grad course, the guideposts we followed included TRUST GOD, MAKE LOW-COST PROBES, TAKE A STEP...

Similarly, as the time was approaching for my dog to be put down, I looked for God's guideposts.

The first signpost was, "Give it to God and respect your husband's input on your dog." 

One night I cried out, "God, I'm worn, I can't care for her any longer and we can't bring ourselves to put her down!"  

A devotional gave me this sign post: I WILL SHINE A LIGHT ON YOUR PATH.  

I arranged for a mobile vet service to give us an in-home consultation. The vet provided the light we needed. 


With all this change, I am aware I'm at the beginning of yet another life season. 

I'm tempted to rush ahead with new plans but want to be God-directed. 

In designing my life just now back in the empty nest and sans doggy, I'm: 

  • continuing to exercise at my group class.
  • going for doctor appointments, physiotherapy, massages, working on my posture and addressing neck pain and headaches. 
  • resting as needed.
  • trying to do intermittent fasting to shed some pounds.

  • tending to what needs to be done at home inside and out.
  • planning events with my husband and children.
  • attending a new women's Bible study.
  • remembering how life was before having children and a needy dog and changing my mindset back to youthful thinking. 
  • decluttering my home to make it work for the two of us.
  • creating art.
  • enjoying my yard and garden.
  • Writing, and updating my blogs.

I'm keenly aware God doesn't give me instructions too far in advance. I have to make plans a day at a time, it seems. So I invite God into each day and listen for his unique instructions. 

I have hope that God will bring many new things into my life at just the right time.

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