Thursday, 9 January 2020

How Will Your 2020 Year Go?

Last year, God gave me an analogy of how to live 2019. The analogy was that of hopping aboard a cruise ship being willing to visit all the ports of call God might take me to. It was a valuable exercise. 

Through the year we visited the port of TRAGEDY and GRIEF with passing of a beloved cat and later our beloved dog. We stopped at the island of ADVENTURE several times as my husband and I took several mini-trips this summer. We visited BRAVERY as we hosted three summer parties and visited a new church in November. 

Winding Stream Vision

Isaiah 43:18,19
God says: Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. 
This year, God granted me a new vision. He seemed to say that I was turning a corner similar to a bend in a winding stream. I could sense this as my dog of 14 years passed away and my son left for school again leaving us in the empty nest. I sensed the old passing to make ready for new. And in the empty nest, we are constantly having to remake ourselves. So new habits and new routines will be cultivated, and new adventures will be around the corner. 

The new thing God may have for me may have to do with my family, my work, my health, or my ministry. I wondered if he'd give me a new job either paid or volunteer. A welcome change of some sort. 

My vision this year was reinforced by a few lessons. One has been an urging by the Holy Spirit to keep my focus on God not myself, my woes, or the circumstances around me. 

The plants along a stream have deep roots that keep the land stable. I need to keep my roots nourished with God's word and prayer. I need to be rooted in him

I also have to be aware of what might contaminate my stream and avoid those things. 

To prepare for the new thing I sensed I needed to get rid of old things. In September, I began decluttering my home. 

I also caught myself when I was tempted to look at the past. We can cherish and celebrate the past, but we need not live in it.

Do you feel your life is turning a corner just now? Maybe you're over an illness or injury. Maybe you've moved. Perhaps you've made some changes or are about to.

The question isn't: What did you do in the past? 
The question for today is: What is God doing in your life right now? What desires do you have? What would you like him to do in your life right now? Are you prepared for it?

God will make rivers in your desert. Just as he put plans into place to move his people into the Promised Land he will put people and plans into place for you. 

God has set new plans in motion for 2020. Are you ready? What does he want you to do to get ready? 

Move at God's Pace

Some streams or rivers move quickly. Others gently flow. Sometimes it depends on the season of the year as to how fast the river flows.

Similarly in our Christian walk there are times and seasons we will need to act quickly and others we will need to tread gently. 

Move quickly when facing temptation. Move quickly when something threatens to contaminate your stream. Move fast when you recognize a God-initiated opportunity to do good. Don't delay. Help the poor, needy, or relatives when it is within your power to help.

But move slowly when you are hurt, angry, sick, or depressed. You need to think clearly. Move slowly until you have all the facts you need. Move slowly when you need to make a major decision.

Watch Gut Feelings 

I read a Facebook post today that urged the reader to go with their gut. The problem is, the gut can be unreliable. Feelings can be unreliable. Always consult with God and pursue what gives you peace, joy, and feels loving. Test your feelings before following them. 

There will be times when you will take a leap. I applied for jobs recently. I felt it might be good to have a change. I couldn't possibly have all the facts about the jobs I applied to. So I took a risk. All I had was an online ad. If I would get an interview, I would ask for the facts. But it cost little to apply. This is often how we must tread--take low-cost probes to investigate ideas we have. Then see if God opens the floodgates. 

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